Guest Post: An inspirational message from Sandy Escobedo
Jan 10, 2018
Hello, Loves! A recent development that I'm incorporating into this blog is highlighting the work of other thought-provoking work created by friends, family members and other wellness advocates like myself. I would like to share spiritual insight from people who have experienced healing, breakthrough, a spiritual awakening or a lifestyle change that is more in tune with their spirit and values. I will also be highlighting the work of those of us who are 'in the midst of the wilderness', struggling through a difficult time. The reason I feel that is important to highlight as well, is because it's authentic, real and its the stuff many of us deal with sometimes. It can't always be roses and sunshine, but in those dark times is where we find strength and can put into use some of the practices we've discussed in previous blogs.
Since we have started our series on "Being Present", starting with ourselves, I wanted to kick this off by sharing a message of hope and love by my dear friend and sister in Christ, Sandy Escobedo. Sandy and I actually know eachother since middle school, lost touch after high school and reconnected years later - thanks to social media.
Sandy is an accomplished academic, highly-regarded professional in the field of education, and has served as an advocate and volunteer for many entrepreneurial and philanthropic organizations that range from leadership development and childhood education all the way to cultural awareness and equality for women. She's a pioneer in her own right! But underneath all of her accomplishments, accolades and business suits (or as she calls them, her 'wonder woman' attire), is a servant heart that seeks to live a life of peace, wellness and connection with a higher purpose.
She writes the following:
My healing comes from writing. My writing leads to healing. I am here on this Earth to heal. I am here on this Earth to serve. I am here to inspire. I am here to help. I am here to feel life in its totality. I am here to experience. I am here to learn. I am here to transcend the limitations of reason and the physical - I am here to create magic! I am the Alchemist of my life. I turn lead into gold. I transform inspiration into action. I am a spiritual being.
What we want is peace. Peace within ourselves. Acceptance of who we are and all we've done. An antidote to our turmoil and restlessness.
I no longer expect or demand to be understood. I understand myself. I keep myself company and enjoy my own company.
I am not alone when I connect with my divinity - my spiritual identity - the higher powers and sources that fuel me.
I ache and grieve alongside the pain of others. I empathize with those who suffer.
I seek to transcend suffering by finding its meaning, purpose and lessons.
I no longer seek to convince others to buy into my truth. I only need my own validation - no one else.
I am not selfish. I am so full of myself that I can stay grounded and centered even the midst of life's storms.
I am the co-author of my life's story as long as I go along with life's flow.
I am awake. I am present. I am called. I feel God's presence within me. I am peace. I am tranquil. I am me.
-Sandy Escobedo
Beautiful and inspiring! As we seek to engage in stillness and be present with ourselves, the sentiments that Sandy's shares are indicators of the peace, wholeness and divinity that we can experience when we learn to understand that we are enough. We are light, we are love, we are precious. Once we come to understand this truth, we can show up to our lives with confidence, grace and acceptance.
May your world be changed forever as you make the journey to this discovery.
Thank you, Sandy, for sharing your message with our community.