Dare to Dream: How my daughters and Rodeo Drive taught me a valuable lesson on money mindset
Jun 09, 2019
(The picture above was taken inside the Louis Vuitton store, Rodeo Drive)
A few weeks ago I was invited to Beverly Hills to record a live in-studio guest spot on Ellas, the Podcast. The recording would take place on a Saturday evening. While, I try to avoid committing to work/business appointments on the weekends, I was eager to be a part of this amazing podcast. I've also lived in Southern CA my whole life and have NEVER BEEN to Rodeo Drive prior to this. I thought, if I'm going to be in Beverly Hills on a Saturday evening, I'm bringing my girls with me and make a day of it. I confirmed with the podcast hosts' (the Brenda's) that it would be OK to bring my daughter's along so that I don't have to spend time away from them while I work, and they said it was fine. So, we decided to make a day out of it. Let's go to Rodeo Drive, walk around and see all the beautiful shops, have a light dinner while we're there, then head over to the studio to record this interview.
My girls were excited! I was too, to be honest. Not sure what to expect, I was optimistic about spending a fun, out-of-the-box afternoon with my girls; soaking up the Beverly Hills experience together.
We arrived, and valeted our car right in front of the Chanel store. As soon as we got out of the car, a swarm of paparazzi and a large crowd was forming outside of the Gucci store across the street. We walked over there to check out what was going on, and out of the Gucci store come YouTube stars The Ace Family. My daughters were so excited to see celebrities within the first ten minutes of our visit and the encounter even made it to the blogs. After that we visited all the fancy stores...Versace, Prada, Christian Dior, Gucci, Guess, Tom Ford, Chanel, Ralph Lauren, Burberry, Fendi, Louis Vuitton, Balenciaga, Coach, MCM, and Michael Kors. Needless to say, my girls were in upscale, retail heaven! While they spent their time admiring the merchandise, I spent my time scoffing at the outrageous prices.
"$295.00 for a pair of sunglasses? Crazy!"
"$850.00 for a belt? Insanity!"
"$1,500.00 for a purse? A purse?!?!?! Not in a million years!"
Meanwhile, Mikala was trying on the sunglasses, modeling the hand bags and having such a fun time. She then turns to me and says, "Mom, when I'm CEO of my own company and make lots of money - I'm going to bring you back here and buy you whatever you want!". I thought that was sweet, and responded, "That's nice honey. But, I'm already the CEO of my own company and I STILL wouldn't spend that kind of money on a handbag." She shrugged and kept enjoying her window shopping experience.
Maddie, being the outspoken girl that she is, didn't look at prices but just admired the merchandise with her sister. A few times, I caught her modeling items in the mirror, and smiling at how fabulous she looked. She too, eventually turned to me and said, "Mom, so did we just come all the way down here and we're NOT going to buy anything?" I took a pause and responded, "I will make you a deal. You girls can each select ONE item, but it cannot be more than $100.00". Being that I am not familiar with designer prices, I thought this budget would be enough. I mean, if I gave my girls each $100.00 at the local mall, they would jump for joy! But instead, we are in Beverly Hills. On Rodeo Drive. And when I threw out a budget of $100.00; both girls seemed less-than-excited.
The day went on and we left Rodeo Drive to head to Complex Networks to record the podcast interview with Ellas. As we drove to the location, we passed through a beautiful residential area and saw some amazing homes. Homes that had luxury cars all parked in their driveways, with regal fences enveloping their property lines. Mikala, my oldest then turns to me and says:
Mikala: "Mom, would you ever move out here? I sure would!!"
Me: "I don't think so? I like our home in Moreno Valley just fine."
Mikala: "But mom, this is Beverly Hills! You could go to Rodeo Drive anytime you want! C'mon, you really wouldn't move out here if you could?"
Me: "I don't know. I guess I'm just not...(silence)"
It was in the very moment, right before I was about to finish my statement that I heard a small voice in my spirit say something so sweet and powerful that it STOPPED me from talking so that I could listen. The voice inside me said...
Let her dream! She's asking you to dream with her. Not make it happen. Besides, I'm your Father and you have NO idea what I have in store for you. Just dream big with her, and believe that what is meant for you - will be.
So....I shut up and said, "Yes honey. If God wants to bless us with an opportunity to live out here in Beverly Hills someday, then so be it."
She smiled, and said, "Cool! Well, even if your job doesn't move us out here, I will start my own company when I am older, become a millionaire and buy a big house out here for us. You and Daddy can come live with me, I will take care of you, and take you shopping at Rodeo Drive whenever you want."
She said this with such confidence. Like there was no question that someday, this would happen for her. Just as I was about to question where she got all of this ambition and confidence in her dreams and abilities - that internal voice inside spoke again, and this time it said:
Well, she is your daughter!
Moral of the story: Don't ever stop dreaming. Don't ever stop believing in your brilliance. Don't ever forget that we serve a God that loves us, and wants to bless us. A God that manifests blessings and opportunities once you allow yourself to step forward and fulfill the purpose set before you.
And finally....whenever your children ask you to dream with them - do it. They are not asking you to make it happen for them; but simply to join them on the ride into endless possibilities.
From this mom's heart to yours - with love,
Michelle Gomez